Mid-Week Meet-Up: LOGOS

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! Our mid-week kids programming called “LOGOS” ends today. The program is fantastic! Throughout the evening, kids play games and do crafts, learn music, have a Bible study, and eat dinner. At different times during the year, the kids also volunteer and serve, by singing in a choir that occasionally helps to lead our Sunday worship, collecting food for the Pittsford Food Cupboard, and more. There are always a GREAT group of participants, and it takes a dedicated team of volunteers to make it all work.

There are so many things to like about the program, but do you know what I love about LOGOS? I love building relationships with the kids. I am sometimes a “table parent” at dinnertime. When I eat with the kids, we practice eating like a family, and we help serve each other and clean up after each other. I love to hear them tell me about their hobbies, about what they are learning in school, and about their friends.

It’s always so interesting when they tell me about hobbies or school, and it’s something totally new to me. I try not to be the adult who is constantly saying, “Now, when I was your age…” but it happens sometimes. Usually, I just feel very grateful to observe their passion, excitement, and interest about their lives. More than anything else, my relationships with the kids at LOGOS reminds me of how important intergenerational ministry is in the church. As much as I need to help those kids understand the importance of Christian faith and how we live it out right now at First Presbyterian, it’s also important for me (and all of us) to listen to how they understand Christian faith and how it helps them in their lives.

Tonight at our final LOGOS of the year, I am going to be asking myself some questions that I invite you to also ask yourselves. How am I investing in the next generation of Christians at First Presbyterian? How am I sharing my faith with younger people in the church? What are some specific conversations I could have with a young person that would help them to understand why our faith is so important? What are some specific questions I could ask young people in the church to help me understand why our faith is important to them?

We’re all in this together!

Peace to you,

Pastor Aaron