Our church actively supports local, national, and international communities through mission and outreach efforts, much of it through hands-on involvement. This work is an important part of our church.
The Mission and Outreach Committee faithfully pursues its missions with the following objectives:
To maximize our resources and distribute funds that impact the areas of peacemaking and evangelism; to help bring relief to those who are ill or disabled; and to strive for the elimination of prejudice, poverty, drugs, and violence.
To invest our funds with organizations or groups demonstrating a strong commitment to ministry or efforts to inspire hands-on participation from our congregation and others in the community.
To advocate for outreach missions that transform lives on a permanent basis rather than charity handouts; focusing especially on local organizations where positive outcomes can be measured and observed.
Special Offerings and Fundraising
One Great Hour of Sharing (Easter): supporting our national office
Homes Offering (Mother's Day): supporting the Rochester Presbyterian Home
Peacemaking Offering (October): shared between our local Presbytery and the Judicial Process Commission
Christmas Joy (December): distributed 50% to the national Presbytery missions, 25% to Camp Whitman and 25% to Pittsford Youth Services.
Special fundraising is undertaken to support biannual mission trips for JASY (Jamaica) and to the In Step Children’s Home (Rehema For Kids) in Kenya