Information for Visitors

Click here to watch videos of our current or any past services .

What kind of Church is First Presbyterian?

  • Our history in Pittsford goes back over 200 years. A few of our strengths are our Christian Education program, our Music program and our hands-on Mission work. And, we are a “purple” church that welcomes all - from the liberal to the conservative.

What’s the service like?

  • Traditional in format, vibrant and relevant in content, centered on God’s Holy Word, proclaiming God’s word for us today through thoughtful, accessible, prophetic preaching. And - music being an important part of our worship - congregational hymn singing and choral anthems that span the centuries and the globe. Click here to watch a video by Pastor Aaron Neff describing the worship service.

  • Go to the “About” and “Worship” section or click here to learn more.

  • Go to the “About” and “Music” section or click here to learn more.

Will there be anybody like me at First Presbyterian?

  • All kinds of people attend from near and far: curious, skeptical, life-long church goers, and folks who have never been to church before will all be there on any given Sunday.

  • Plenty of folks from all over the country and some international folks as well.

  • People of all ages, stages of life, and spiritual development are drawn to First Presbyterian. There are children, but you may not see them when you enter the Sanctuary because they are too short to be seen above the pew backs.

How do I get to First Presbyterian, and how do I find my way around?

  • It’s easy to find. We are nestled in the heart of Pittsford Village with entrances at 21 Church Street and Locust Street (ramp).

  • Follow this link for directions, parking suggestions, and a floor plan of our church showing the various entrances.

  • The sanctuary has wide doors and aisles to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers and special pew seats for wheelchairs. The sanctuary is on one floor, without any steps. In addition, there is an elevator to the second floor choir loft, choir practice room, chapel, and meeting rooms.

  • If needed, there are large-print bulletins available. Also, a hearing loop is available and closed captioning for the hard of hearing,

  • Click here to learn more about our mobility, vision and hearing accommodations.

How should I dress?

  • Clothing styles vary. Some folks dress up in jackets and dresses. Others dress more casually.

  • Wear what you like. There is no real dress code. Unless you’re in the choir: they wear robes.

What happens when I get there?

  • You are encouraged to make and wear a visitor name tag. Many church members will have their own name tags.

  • You will be greeted by a Greeter who will hand you a bulletin that guides everyone through the order of worship. The Sanctuary is large and will feel “comfortably full.”

  • Worship begins with an organ music prelude before the hour to help you get centered and prepared to worship God. Sometimes you will hear hand bells and other instruments during the prelude.

  • Also just before the service are the announcements by that Sunday’s Presiding Elder.

What about children in worship?

  • We welcome them and believe their presence in worship is vital to our community. We provide Children’s Worship Bags for our younger worshippers. We offer nursery care for infants and very young children (see our floor plan under the ‘Directions’ tab). 

  • Early in the service there is a “Church Mouse” report where the children are welcomed to come to the front of the Sanctuary. Following that the children are dismissed to go to their various Sunday School classes, guided by their “shepherds”. See the “About” and “Sunday School” tab for full description of the age-specific classes offered. Or, just click here to watch a video on the Christian Ed. program.

  • Parents are also welcome to move to the Narthex, just off the back of the Sanctuary, where they can see and hear and have room for toddlers to roam. Again, follow the directions link for a floor plan of our church.

How long does the service last?

  • Usually about an hour, sometimes a little longer on special occasions. Most people stay to hear the concluding voluntary played by the organist. Coffee time happens in Fellowship Hall, directly after worship where everyone has an opportunity to converse informally.

During the service.

  • You are encouraged to participate as fully in our worship as you feel comfortable.

  • The congregation is invited to stand several times for singing hymns, certain prayers, and readings. 

  • A voluntary offering is collected every Sunday after the sermon, to express our gratitude and to help God’s work get accomplished here in the community and around the world.

  • Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is served on the first Sunday of each month and is open to all who come in faith. The elements are served in your pew and taken individually.

What About the Music Program at First Presbyterian?

  • First Presbyterian has a long history of musical excellence which continues today. Click Here to watch a video,

Who can become a member?

  • We welcome all persons who respond in trust and obedience to God’s grace in Jesus Christ and desire to become part of the membership and ministry of First Presbyterian.

  • No persons shall be denied membership because of race, ethnic origin, or any other reason not related to profession of faith. We extend the fellowship of Christ to all persons. Failure to do so constitutes a rejection of Christ himself.

  • To learn more or to take the next step toward becoming a member contact the church office at (585) 586-5688 or; or just click here.

What if I want more information or have more interest?

  • Just click here to contact the appropriate people.

  • Click here to download a brochure; which is also available, in hard copy, in the pews and in the lobby.

  • Or, click here to hear why some people elected to become members of First Presbyterian.

What does First Presbyterian believe?

  • We are a caring community, growing spiritually as disciples of Jesus Christ. Together we spread the good news of Jesus through worship, fellowship, education, prayer, and especially mission.

  • First Presbyterian Church exists to tell people about Jesus Christ and support them in their faith journey as they celebrate God’s love and become equipped to serve others in Jesus’ name. We believe that God has called us together to be agents of reconciliation and hope, and we rejoice in the offering of gifts and talents that people bring to this ministry, which extends throughout the United States, particularly the City of Rochester, to Africa and Jamaica.

  • Click Here to learn more about the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

How is First Presbyterian Organized?

  • First Presbyterian is organized in the same manner as other Presbyterian churches. There are three governing boards of the church: Session, Deacons, and Trustees. Each board consists of congregants who have been elected by their fellow members. These boards actually rule the Church. The Pastor is called by the congregation to lead worship, moderate the Session, and support the congregation in the disciplines of the faith.

Does First Presbyterian Have a Presence on Social Media?