Mid-Week Meet-Up: Congregational Meeting

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that there will be a brief congregational meeting after the 10:00 am worship service. Then, after the congregational meeting will be our annual Advent Preparation Brunch.

In Reformed theology, the nomination and election of officers is very sacred. For over 500 years, Protestants have emphasized a belief in something called “the priesthood of all believers.” This idea appears in 1 Peter 2:9, when Peter says to the whole community of believers: “You (plural) are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” Each individual in the church is a priest whom God calls into a specific ministry. In recent years, the Presbyterian Church (USA) has gotten away from calling people like Pastor Erin and me “ministers” and instead prefers to call us “teaching elders.” By not calling pastors “ministers,” we are encouraging our churches to think of all of their members as ministers – which you are!

You probably know that our Deacons do many very faithful and meaningful things for our church family, including take Communion to our members who are no longer able to come to in-person worship. This past Sunday, I was part of a conversation at church during which someone explained that residents of one local retirement community refer to one of these Deacons as their “minister.” I love that, because it’s true! Every member of the faith community – regardless of whether you’ve been to seminary or are ordained clergy – is a minister!

This Sunday, the Nominating Committee will be presenting nearly 30 people (for either their first or their second terms) to be elected by the congregation to live out their unique ministry in the church. I hope church members will be there to help take the special action of electing them. Also, on a practical note, we need a quorum – so, if you are a member, please make every effort to attend the congregational meeting! In case you can’t be there in-person, you may also join the congregational meeting by Zoom.


Then, after the congregational meeting, join us for the Advent Preparation Brunch, at which Anthony Circle (one of our Presbyterian Women’s groups) with help from our youth will have lovingly prepared some breakfast casseroles. Come to eat, and then create a Christmas ornament that church staff will have prepared for you.

I hope to see you on Sunday for a fun time!

Peace to you,

Pastor Aaron