Mid-Week Meet-Up: Using our Freedom in Christ

Hi First Presbyterian,

I’d like to start our Mid-Week Meet-Up with a joke. Have you heard about the man who was rescued after being stranded on a desert island for a year all by himself? He had built three huts for himself on the island. When his rescuers noticed this, they asked the man, “Why did you build three huts when you’ve been living here all by yourself?” The man replied, “This first hut was my house, and this second hut was the church I worshiped in.” The rescuers replied, “But what about the third hut?” The man replied “Oh… that’s the church I used to go to.” *rimshot*

Before anyone assumes that I have a specific referent in mind, I simply found this joke this week, thought it was funny, and wanted to share it with you!

I don’t mean to make light of the important and well thought out reasons people find new communities of faith. However, the man in the joke illustrates how petty our decision-making can be at times, which can be applied to examples that extend well beyond our affiliation with a community of faith. When we’re unhappy we can sometimes feel the urge to want to “take our ball and go home.” There are many things in life over which we have no control. It can feel empowering to exert some control in an area of our lives that may already be stable and under control, even if it means creating a little chaos ourselves so we have something to fix. We might do this with our religious affiliations or our affiliations with other organizations. We might also do this with our relationships. People sometimes feel overwhelmed with life and, in order to feel in control of something, overanalyze a relationship with a spouse or invent a conflict with a friend just to have something to fix.

The apostle Paul tells us, “For freedom you have been set free… for you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become servants to one another” (Galatians 5:1, 13). It is true that we have limited control over our lives. It is true that it can feel good to exert control whenever we possess it. What Paul is telling us is that we shouldn’t use our freedom to cause division, to tear others down, or to do anything else that is in service to ourselves. Instead, we should use our freedom to better the lives of those around us. To put it another way: Paul is telling us we shouldn’t “take our ball and go home;” instead, we should “take our ball and give it to someone else” or “take our ball and make sure everyone can play with it.”

When we feel powerless and out of control, there is one thing that always remains in our control: the choice to do the right thing. So, let’s use the power and control we have to serve one another. That’s what Jesus did. Thank the Lord.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: COVID Update and New Members Class

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

I want to share an important update with you about a recent action taken by the Session regarding our church’s COVID-safety protocols.

Recently, as concerns regarding the Delta variant have increased, many people from our congregation have expressed worry about attending in-person worship services. Specifically, there are many members who have stopped worshiping with us in-person because they do not feel safe inside where people may not be wearing masks. There are some of you who are also frustrated by the idea of being required to wear a mask to worship. In an effort to achieve balance and maintain unity within the congregation, the Session has decided to require masking for one of our two worship services.

Beginning this Sunday, masks will be required for everyone at the 10:00 am worship service. Our previous protocols will remain in place for the 8:30 am service: masks are recommended for everyone and required for anyone unvaccinated who cannot maintain social distancing.

In choosing which service at which to require masking, the Session decided on the 10:00 am service, because that service has children in attendance who cannot be vaccinated, some of whose families were among those expressing worry.

The Session felt it was important to try to consider everyone’s risk tolerance, while also trying to maintain unity. I am grateful for the work that they put into making this decision (and the work the Re-Opening Task Force put into bringing the recommendation to the Session). I hope you are, too.

On an unrelated topic, I want to remind you that I will be leading a 3-week membership class starting this Sunday. The class is required for anyone who wants to become a member of the congregation. However, anyone who just wants to learn more about the current vision of the church is welcome to attend the class, too. We will meet at 11:30am in Room 201 (upstairs in our education wing). The class will also have a Zoom option. The topic this Sunday is “What does it mean to be a Presbyterian?” Please let me know if you’re interested in attending and haven't already done so!

I look forward to worshiping with you whether online, at 8:30, or at 10:00, and I hope to see some of you at 11:30 for the class!

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: Just Be (from September 8)

Hi First Presbyterian,

School starts tomorrow, and I’m reflecting on some of the memories I’ve made this summer. While we were visiting Laura’s parents earlier this summer, we took our kids to a nearby creek. While Laura was with Esther and Clara, I sat with our two-year-old son Gabriel on the creek bed and threw rocks into the water with him. His main objectives were to see how big of a splash he could make with the rocks and to see how big of a rock he could pick up all by himself. I would help him un-wedge a rock from the sediment. He would take the rock and throw it was best as he could and then look for my reaction. I would encourage him, and then we’d laugh together. We were both totally content just being with each other.

I’m usually very achievement-oriented. I value progress and results. I think it’s one of my greatest strengths as a church leader. I also think it has a shadow-side that can undermine my leadership and my ministry to the church if I’m not careful. I can tie too much of my own identity into my pursuit of a goal, so that I feel like my personhood is reflected by my productivity.

Spending time with my kids during a moment of play reminds me that some of the most important moments in life have nothing to do with productivity or achievement. I wasn’t evaluating my son’s progress during our time at the creek. I wasn’t measuring the weight of his rocks or the distance of his throws. I was enjoying seeing his curiosity about the new things his body could do and his wonder about the creek. My love for him is based on nothing more than his existence. Isn’t this like the doctrine of grace? Our salvation and our relationship to God is based on nothing more than God’s unconditional love for us (Ephesians 2:8-9). Sharing moments of play are good for both my kids and for me. It helps them to feel a secure base in their most foundational relationship, which is not only good for their emotional, psychological, and social health, it also helps them to have a healthy God-concept. Not only does it help me grow my love for them, but it also helps me to connect with my inner child who (in many ways) is still trying to learn the lessons of childhood. Specifically, it reminds me that my value and worth as a person are not connected to my achievements or my productivity. My value and worth as a person are in my existence alone.

As the church program year begins and we look around our church and around our community, we will undoubtedly observe lots of work that needs to be done. Our actions as Christians communicate what we believe about God to each other and to the world. Let’s not neglect keeping our hands to the plow. Let’s not forget that God’s mercy and justice are communicated to the world through the church. But, let’s also not forget that God’s radical acceptance and love are also communicated through the church. Let’s not forget that we are made in the image of the God who is called “I Am,” not “I Do.” In as much as you remember to do God’s work, don’t forget to just be.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: You Will Bear Fruit (from September 1)

Hi First Presbyterian,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up. Some of you have been asking about my family’s tomato plants. You may recall back in February I sent out a Mid-Week Meet-Up about a tomato we bought from the store in November that had sprouting seeds inside and decided to do an experiment with them. We planted them. They sprouted more. We repotted five of them and, over the next few months, repotted them multiple times into bigger pots each time. By the time the weather was warm enough, we began trying to “harden” them by taking them outside for a few hours every day to get them used to the outdoor environment. You should have seen me hoisting 20-gallon pots with 4-foot tomato plants growing in them in and out of our house each day! It was a chore!

Well, the summer has flown by, and one of the plants died after we moved them permanently outdoors and two of them stopped growing because of blight. The remaining two have done pretty well, and we’ve been getting tasty tomatoes from them. The most interesting thing about one of the two plants that’s actually producing fruit is that, shortly after we moved it outdoors, it had severely languished. We cut that 4-foot tomato plant down to about 1-foot, and – wouldn’t you know it – it grew back as the healthiest of all the plants!

I’d like to reflect on that plant with you. It was healthy when it was first growing in our house. It had nice healthy leaves, strong branches and a stalk, and even a couple yellow flowers. However, the outside conditions were too harsh. It couldn’t tolerate the wind and the increased sunlight. So, we had to cut it back. Think about that plant as a metaphor for life. We experience seasons in life where things are going very well for us. We’re happy and healthy; we’re loved; we feel a sense of purpose and achievement. Then something drastically changes, and we’re thrust into a new environment. Maybe we move somewhere new. Maybe we receive a disheartening diagnosis. Maybe we lose our job. Maybe we are grieving the loss of a loved one. These circumstances create a challenging and harsh environment for us to live in. It may even feel like, because of our circumstances, we’re dying inside. Like that tomato plant, we feel like we’re languishing in our new environment. It’s natural to resist the change we feel inside. We try to stand tall but the wind is too strong and is breaking us.

When my family cut back that tomato plant, there was a while when it looked tiny and lifeless next to the other plants. But over time its branches and leaves grew back to the extent that it began dwarfing the other plants! Its new growth happened in the harsher environment; so, it was stronger than the other plants and could withstand more growth.

Friends, sometimes when we’re enduring hardship, it can feel like we are shrinking. If that’s you today, hang in there and know that God is with you. It is during those moments when we feel smaller, when hardship is around us, that we might be growing but don't know it yet. I’m not saying that God causes our suffering to make us grow. I’m saying that hardship happens to everyone for unknown reasons, and they present us with a choice: to give up or to try to grow. God can strengthen and empower us during our suffering so that we grow despite our circumstances. Lean on your brothers and sisters in the church. Lean on God. And don’t give up. You will bear fruit again.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: New Members Class

Hi First Presbyterian,

Some of my favorite things to celebrate in the church are baptisms and welcoming new members. Both are evidence and reminders that the Holy Spirit is at work. To some extent, the pandemic has interrupted our celebration of these ceremonies. Recently, however, we’ve celebrated some baptisms, and I’m excited to announce that I’ll be leading a new members class this Fall. This three-session class is required for anyone who wants to become a member of the congregation; however, anyone who wants to learn more about the current vision of the church is welcome to attend the class, too. The class will be offered at 11:30 am following the worship services on September 19, 26, and October 3. The class on September 19 will answer the question: “What does it mean to be a Presbyterian?” The classes on September 26 and October 3 will cover topics related to what our church is up to right now. In these final two classes, we’ll discuss the vision for ministry of our church leadership, the ways our various groups and programs help to live out that vision, and the opportunities for each us to get more involved. If you want to become a member or if you are interested in attending the classes, please let me know!

Whether we are welcoming people into our membership through publicly professing their faith for the first time or through reaffirming the faith they have already publicly professed, membership in the congregation is all about faith in Christ. To be a member of the church, a person professes to trust in God’s mercy, to turn from sin and renounce evil, to trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, to commit to live in obedience to Jesus, and to devote themselves to the life of the church. That is a reason to celebrate!

Friends, Jesus is worth loving and obeying. I pray you know that to be true today and every day.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: August Outdoor Worship

Hi First Presbyterian,

This Sunday, after our regular indoor service, we will have an outdoor worship service at 11:00 am on our church lawn. This will be our last outdoor worship service of the summer! The theme of the service will be: “being Christ’s hands and feet in Pittsford.”

In my sermon last Sunday, while referencing a passage from the book of James, I said that when we look into the mirror, it is the image of Jesus reflecting back to us. When I said that on Sunday, what I meant was that we should think of ourselves that way. I think it is equally true that others will think of us that way, too. As followers of Christ, we are Christ’s representatives in the world. The apostle Paul repeated used the metaphor of “the body of Christ” to refer to the Church.

Teresa of Ávila once said: “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

When people outside the Church look at us and see Jesus, what does Jesus seem like to them? Is he humble, selfless, compassionate, and loving like when he was physically on the earth over 2,000 years ago? Or is he arrogant, self-serving, and indifferent to the needs of the world? Is he even visible enough that people know he’s here? These are important questions to ponder as we think about what it means to be the Church, and we’ll answer some of these questions at the outdoor service on Sunday.

I hope to see you at 11:00 on the church lawn (or at 9:30 inside or over livestream). Bring a blanket or chair. You might want to bring some comfortable shoes, too – but that’s a surprise I’m waiting to reveal at 11:00. I hope I’ve piqued your interest!


Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: The Meaning of August

Hi First Presbyterian,

Last week I wrote about how quickly it feels that time is passing as we get older. Can you believe it’s already August?! Did you know that August used to be called “Sextillia” because it was the sixth month in the original Roman calendar? Its name was changed during the first century BC by the Roman Emperor Augustus, naming it after himself. Why did he name the month after himself? Consider the meaning behind some of the other names of the months. Many of them are named after Roman gods and goddesses: January (Janus), March (Mars), May (Maia), and June (Juno). Augustus (like his adoptive father Julius Caesar, who renamed the month of July after himself) wanted to put his name among the gods. Augustus, like his father, believed he was divine.

On the Roman tribute pennies during the time of Jesus, there was an image of the Emperor Tiberius (the adopted son of Augustus) along with the inscription: “Emperor Tiberius, Son of the Divine Augustus.” (By the way, this is the “denarius” Jesus told the Pharisees to get when they asked him whether or not Jews should pay taxes to Rome, cf. Mark 12:13-17.) During the time of Jesus, the phrase “Son of God” was highly politicized. Specifically, it was understood as a reference to the Roman Emperor. It is not an accident that the Gospel of Mark begins: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (1:1). Not only is Mark using this highly politicized phrase “Son of God,” he’s also calling the news about Jesus the “gospel.” Did you know the Greek word for “gospel” (euaggelion) was a widely known word long before Christians used it to describe the story of Jesus. Originally, the word “gospel” was highly politicized and was used to describe the Roman Emperor in propaganda aimed at convincing people that having an Emperor was good for them. Combine this with the fact that people were told to believe that the Emperor was a son of the gods, and the message coming out of Rome was clear: "Be grateful that Caesar is your king! You can trust him. He is the son of the gods after all!"

From the perspective of first-century Judaism, the Roman Empire stood for lots of things: pursuit of power, violence, greed, and more. Jesus came to the earth in order to show us that God is diametrically opposed to all of that! Mark begins his Gospel the way he does in order to make a very clear point: “There is a new sheriff in town… and it isn’t Caesar!” Wow!

Here's a principle that is generally true: God's ways are not the ways of the world. Here's what I mean by that. The way that Jesus showed us how to live is often radically different to the way that comes naturally to us. Jesus teaches us to be generous in giving what we have to others; we naturally want to keep what we have for ourselves. Jesus teaches us to forgive our enemies and pray for our persecutors; we naturally want to react, retaliate, and protect our egos. Jesus teaches us to welcome and include the outsider; we naturally are afraid and suspicious of people who are different than us. Jesus teaches us to be last; we naturally want to be first. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. When we live in the radically selfless ways that Jesus taught us, we find peace, the kind of peace that only Jesus can give us (John 14:27). The kind of peace that we find when we realize that we only truly find our lives when we give them away (Mark 8:34-35). 

Friends, I pray you enjoy the month of August. More importantly, I pray you discover the peace that comes through following Jesus.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: TIme

Hi First Presbyterian,

I’ve never really resonated with the phrase “over the hill.” When people use that phrase, they mean that a person is “past their prime” or “not as young as they once were.” Maybe my opinion will change as I get older, but the passage of time doesn’t feel like a hill that we surmount at a certain point in life. To me, the passage of time feels like a hill we’ve been descending all along! From the time of our births, it’s as if our life is a ball that was nudged downhill and only picks up momentum the more it progresses. What I mean is: the older I get, the more quickly time seems to move. This is why we have idioms to describe the passage of time like “the sands of time” and “time flies.” Of course, this is all an illusion, but, if you think about it, it does makes some sense. One (24-hour) day is the same amount of time for a 2-year-old as it is for a 60-year-old. However, that same day makes up 0.04% of the total life of the 2-year-old but only 0.00005% of the total life of the 60-year-old. A single day is like nothing to a 60-year-old when compared to a 2-year-old, who has only lived about 730 days! The older we get, the faster time seems to go.

Allow me to encourage you. In Psalm 90:4, the psalmist describes God’s relationship to time like this: “For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past.” God has existed long before we ever did, long before any humans, long before any universe. We describe God as “eternal” to try to talk about what God is like in relation to time, but the reality is, God is outside of time altogether. In my most self-aware moments when I contemplate the eternality and timelessness of God, it changes my experience of the passage of time. As the “ball” of my life is rolling down the hill, God isn’t chasing after me, trying to catch up. God isn’t ahead of me, waiting for me. God is right with me, wherever I am, always. When I am able to go there in my mind, the “ball” of my life seems to stop rolling and I feel grateful. I feel grateful, because I know that God is totally aware of everything in my life. I feel grateful because I know that God, who is timeless, is also unconditionally loving.

Friends, God is always with you. God will always be with you. Time may feel like it is flying by quickly, but take a moment today to try to become aware of God’s presence with you. “The world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God live forever” (1 John 2:17). Let us learn to live in this present moment where we are known by a loving and eternal God.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: Evangelism

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! This Sunday will be our second outdoor worship service of the summer and will be at 11:00 am, following our regular worship service. I’ve been working with our Vital Congregations Initiative (VCI) team to put together a service centered on the theme of “telling our faith story.” Please come for coffee hour at 10:30 and bring your lawn chair or blanket for the service at 11:00.

What does it mean to “tell our faith story”? What do you think of when you hear the word “evangelism?” For a lot of people, they think of a person knocking on their front door or being approached by a stranger out in public who is trying to convert them into accepting a new religious worldview. If you’re like me, imagining yourself doing that kind of evangelism makes you incredibly uncomfortable. In 2019, when asked how many times they shared their faith in the past six months, 55% of Protestant churchgoers said they shared their faith 0 times. If our concept of evangelism involves approaching strangers and asking them invasive questions about religion, it’s no wonder over half of Protestants aren’t evangelizing!

On the other hand, Jesus commissioned his disciples at the end of his earthly ministry to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them, and to teach them to obey Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20). Additionally, 1 Peter 3:15 tells us: “Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you.” We are expected to “always be ready” to tell others about our faith. VCI believes that “Intentional, Authentic Evangelism” is one of the marks of a healthy congregation. So, how do we reconcile the importance of evangelizing with our aversion to doing it?

What if evangelism didn’t have to involve accosting strangers but could involve having meaningful conversations with our neighbors - people we already know? What if evangelism didn’t have to involve a forced topic of conversation but was something that naturally came up as we talked about things that matter deeply to us? What if a starting point for evangelism was simply inviting people to worship with us at church?

In the book The Unchurched Next Door, author and researcher Thom Rainer explains the results of a study on evangelism that he and his team conducted. The study sought to understand the receptiveness of “unchurched” people (i.e., people who don’t attend any church and don’t identify as Christian) to the church and to Christian beliefs. The research identified five groups of unchurched people. Group 1 made up 11% of the unchurched and was highly receptive to being invited to church and hearing about its beliefs. Group 2 made up 27% of the unchurched and was receptive to being invited to church and hearing about its beliefs. Group 3 made up 36% of the unchurched and was neutral to the topic, with no clear signs of being interested yet perhaps open to discussion. Group 4 made up 21% of the unchurched and was resistant but not antagonistic to the topic. Group 5 made up 5% of the unchurched and was highly antagonistic and even hostile to the topic.

Would you have assumed that 36% of our unchurched neighbors were open to discussing being invited to church and that 38% of them were receptive or highly receptive to being invited to church? That seems amazing to me! Some of those people may be our own neighbors.

I hope you will come to our outdoor worship service this Sunday to worship God, to celebrate God’s love, and (importantly) to contemplate how to invite others in to experience that same love.

Peace to you,
Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: Book of James (from June 30)

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

I want to remind you that this Sunday we will be going down to one worship service at 9:30 am. Whether you will worship with us in-person or online, please plan to adjust to the new start time. This Sunday we will also be observing Communion. At the in-person service, Communion will revert back to our pre-COVID practice, which means we will be passing the Communion elements on plates. Those of you worshiping from home should prepare to take the Sacrament as you have been doing.

My Wednesday Night Bible Study is beginning a study of the Book of James tonight. (All are welcome to attend!) The Book of James represents an interesting example of the struggle to find unity between the early Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians. The book also helps us to answer the question: what does it mean to be Christian? A hallmark of Christian theology, especially Reformed Presbyterian theology, is the doctrine of grace. The doctrine of grace says that God gives us salvation as a free gift, because God is loving, not because we earned salvation. We encounter the doctrine of grace in the New Testament primarily through the writings of Paul. He says in Galatians 2:16-17, “A person is justified not by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ… because no one will be justified by the works of the law.” In other words, we don’t earn salvation; we receive it (through faith) as a gift of God’s grace. We encounter a different idea in the Book of James. In James 2:17, it says, “Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” You can see that both Paul and James are talking about “faith” and “works,” but they each talk about them differently. So… which is it? Is our faith in God’s grace enough? Or do our works also matter? I like to think of the interaction of faith and works kind of like my relationship to my kids. I can say I love my kids, but if I never do anything that demonstrates my love for them, I think it’s safe to call my “love” into question. That’s essentially what James is saying about the relationship between faith and works. But it’s also more nuanced than that, too. If you want to find out more, I encourage you to join us tonight for Bible Study online or in-person at the church!

Walk the walk today, my friends, and show the authenticity of your faith to the world.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Worship Update (from June 24)

Hi First Presbyterian,

This has been a busy week of deliberation and decision-making for the leadership of the church. Many of you have undoubtedly been wondering about our plans for the summer as it relates to the worship services: will we have one or two worship services? There have been many changing factors that delayed the decision-making process, including the recent changes from NY State lifting its mandatory COVID-19 safety guidelines. Yesterday, the Session approved the following recommendation from the Worship and Music Committee:

  • There will be one summer service at 9:30 am starting July 4 through September 5.

This means worship will occur this Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:00 am, but the following Sunday (July 4) will only have one worship service at 9:30 am. Importantly, the 9:30 am service will be livestreamed, so please take note of the earlier start time and adjust accordingly. Sunday School will continue to be offered during the 9:30 am worship service throughout the summer.

I look forward to worshiping (in-person and online) with you this weekend and over the summer!

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: COVID Update (from June 23)

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up, and today I’d like to share an update from the Session about re-opening. Following the state’s action lifting its mandatory COVID-19 safety guidelines last week, the Session approved the following recommendations from the Re-opening Task Force.

As it relates to worship:

We will be returning to normal worship practices, subject to the following:

  • Unvaccinated congregants are encouraged to maintain social distance and sit socially distanced from others, allowing six feet of space between themselves and others if they wish to remove their mask. If they do not maintain that distance, they must wear masks until and unless this requirement is removed by applicable governmental agencies.

  • Celebrating Communion and taking the offering will return to our normal practice.

As it relates to church groups and outside groups:

Groups gathering in the church building are no longer limited in number, subject to the following requirements:

  • Unvaccinated people are encouraged to maintain social distance and sit socially distanced from others, allowing six feet of space between themselves and others if they wish to remove their mask. If they do not maintain that distance, they must wear masks until and unless this requirement is removed by applicable governmental agencies.

Of course, we should all continue being respectful and welcoming to everyone who wears a mask, either by choice or in compliance with the state. May we all follow Christ’s example of self-sacrificial love for one another.

I know that this news will come as a great relief and with great joy for many of you. I also know that many of you will be disappointed about the lifting of these safety guidelines, because you are immunocompromised or unable to receive the vaccine. The church remains committed to a hybrid approach to gatherings. Worship will continue to be livestreamed, and church meetings will have a videoconferencing option for people who are not present in-person. Speaking personally, my Wednesday night Bible study has been meeting for the past few weeks with half of the participants in-person and the other half on Zoom. It’s been really fun and seems to be working well. Let’s continue to move forward as one church, with one purpose, and with one Lord and Savior!

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: Outdoor Worship

Hi First Presbyterian,

This Sunday will be our first outdoor worship service of the summer. There will be no 8:30 am service. The 10:00 am service will occur as usual, followed by the outdoor strawberry social at 11:00 am and the outdoor service at 11:30 am. I will be delivering the same sermon at both services, but they will be structured very differently. The outdoor service will be led in the spirit of American folk worship services, with special instrumentalists and American folk hymns. The service has been inspired by Charles Finney and the Second Great Awakening. Throughout the service, “prayer stations” will be utilized. Each of these prayer stations will have a different activity to help you pray. I will be located at one station for you to ask me for prayer and/or anointing oil. There will be a station to help you remember your baptism. There will be another station to have you write down a prayer request to be shared with another church member. One station will have meditative coloring pages with scripture passages on them for you to color during a time of prayer. You will also be able to use a prayer journal throughout the service. I am truly hopeful that this will be a meaningful time of worship.


It occurs to me that you might not know about Rev. Charles Finney and the Second Great Awakening. Here is a little bit of context. Finney was a Presbyterian minister in the 19th century during a time of fierce disagreement between what were known as “Old School Presbyterians” and “New School Presbyterians.” The disagreement between the two groups was centered on a few issues, including church polity, theology, and slavery. Old School Presbyterians firmly rejected welcoming New England Congregationalists into the Presbyterian Church (as they believed it was compromising a strict adherence to the Westminster Confession of Faith) and felt that the issue of slavery was “too political” and fell outside the scope of the Church’s spiritually-focused mission. New School Presbyterians welcomed the union with New England Congregationalists into the Presbyterian Church, felt that scripture could be interpreted faithfully without strict adherence to the Westminster Confession of Faith, and saw advocating for abolition as falling within the scope of the Church’s spiritual mission, regardless of its political nature.

Charles Finney was a New School Presbyterian active in Upstate New York, and his ministry represented one additional point of disagreement between the Schools: revivalism. Finney is known as the “Father of Modern Revivalism.” He led revival services to inspire people to a commitment to faith in Jesus Christ. At the time, Finney’s revivals were popular and effective and also very controversial. He often had women lead public prayers, frequently denounced slavery (calling it a “great national sin” and “a sin of the church”), and denied Communion to slaveowners. His preaching emphasized the work of the Holy Spirit of empowering believers to overcome sinfulness and live like Jesus. He invented a preaching tool called the “anxious bench,” a place in the sanctuary reserved for those who wished to receive prayer because they had been so affected by the preaching. This “anxious bench” was the beginning of the modern-day “altar call.”

Finney led a revival at Third Presbyterian Church in Rochester from September 1830 to March 1831. As a result of the Rochester Revival, people in the city and surrounding areas were deeply affected. People attended church services more regularly, and there was an almost instant social reform.


This period of Presbyterian history is important and inspiring. While I won’t be offering any altar calls (or utilizing an “anxious bench”) on Sunday at the outdoor service, there will be multiple opportunities for us to engage in personal prayer. If you are comfortable attending the outdoor service, I sincerely hope to see you there.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: COVID Update (from June 9)

Hi First Presbyterian,

Our re-opening is rapidly progressing, so I have another update for you about that in today’s Mid-Week Meet-Up. Last night the Session met and approved the following motions:

  • Fellowship Hour will be re-introduced outdoors, with food and drink, beginning on June 20 with a strawberry social for Dads & Grads and thereafter as the Deacons find feasible.

  • Registering in advance of coming to worship will no longer be required, effective immediately.

All other protocols, including social distancing during worship (via the designated sitting areas) and required mask-wearing for those who are unvaccinated, are still in effect. There is lots of space available at both services, and I hope to see more of you who are comfortable coming to in-person worship. I also look forward to worshiping with those of you participating online from home.

Because of the 11:30 am outdoor service on June 20, there will be no 8:30 am service that day. Whether you are participating in the 10:00 am service or the 11:30 am service (or both!) that day, I hope you will come for the strawberry social between the two services.  It will be a safe environment outdoors to see some of your friends you might not have seen in a long time and to celebrate our graduates and our fathers.

Let’s give thanks to God for the unfailing and unconditional grace we are shown through Jesus Christ and for the hope we have for the future!

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: COVID Update (from June 2)

Hi First Presbyterian,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! The weather is warm and the rain has become less frequent, which means we have some great opportunities to have outdoor worship! The Worship and Music Committee and the staff have been planning outdoor services that will be special and different from our normal worship services. These outdoor services are intended to supplement our regular worship, not necessarily replace it. We hope that many of you who have not felt comfortable coming to an indoor worship service will feel comfortable coming to a worship service outside. We want this experience to be one that most of you will find meaningful and refreshing.

In addition to our regular worship, on June 20, July 18, and August 15 we will be having outdoor worship services at 11:30 am on our church lawn. Each of these services will have a thematic focus. On June 20, the outdoor service will be led in the spirit of American folk worship services, with special instrumentalists and American folk hymns. Instead of the “altar calls” that Charles Finney was known for during the Second Great Awakening in Upstate New York, there will be “prayer stations” for people to utilize throughout the service. The thematic focus for July 18 and for August 15 will be different.

The outdoors are God’s original sanctuary! I am looking forward to worshiping with you this summer, and I hope to see you outside on June 20!

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: COVID Update (from May 26)

Hi First Presbyterian,

For our Mid-Week Meet-Up today, I want to remind you that memorial services in the sanctuary are available to schedule. This has been a difficult year to lose a loved one. Many of you have been waiting until a better time to memorialize your dearly departed. As the restrictions for worship in our sanctuary have loosened, now might be the right time for you to consider scheduling a service. The same limited restrictions that apply for our Sunday worship also apply to memorial services. That means: 26 spots are available for seating with up to 5 adults in each spot; vaccinated people may remove their masks once seated in the sanctuary; and singing is permitted. While receptions are not permitted at this time, these other recent changes may meet your hopes for planning a memorial service. If you have been waiting for the right time to schedule a service and would like to do that now, please reach out to the church office at (585) 586-5688 or connect@pittsfordpres.org.

After worshiping with many of you in-person this past Sunday, I must say that I feel very safe with our new protocols. I trust the guidance on COVID from our health and government officials and the decisions of our Session. I am also very encouraged by everyone’s compliance with our protocols. As a result, people looking to memorialize loved ones may now feel able or comfortable to do so.

If you’re comfortable but on the fence about attending in-person Sunday worship, I encourage you to come some Sunday soon. I look forward to worshiping with you in-person or online.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: Ascension of the Lord (from May 12)

Hi First Presbyterian,

I wrote our Mid-Week Meet-Up before I left for study leave and scheduled it to be sent to you while I am away. I hope it finds you in peace.

One of my favorite New Testament theologians is University of St. Andrews professor N. T. Wright. I once heard him give a lecture at Princeton University after which someone in the audience asked him a question along the lines of: “In addition to studying Jesus of Nazareth from an academic perspective, you obviously believe in him personally. What would it take for you to recant your belief in him?” N. T. Wright thought for about 3 seconds before responding: “The bones of Jesus.” In other words, N. T. Wright’s faith in Jesus is founded in the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. As long as there is reason to believe that Jesus actually rose from the dead, then having faith in him is reliable and life-changing. If you heard my Easter sermon, you know I couldn’t agree with N. T. Wright more.

If I were to rank Christian beliefs by order of theological importance, I would put the resurrection of Jesus at number one. In my opinion, the ascension of Jesus must be number two. Think about it. If Jesus actually did rise from the dead, then where is he now? As far as I can see, there are only three options for answering that question. 1) After his resurrection, Jesus lived a while longer and then died again, let’s say, of natural causes. In that case, Jesus was not actually “resurrected” but was “resuscitated,” because resurrection means being raised to life without end. If Jesus was merely resuscitated, then he is not who Christians profess him to be. 2) Jesus continued to remain on the earth after his resurrection and is still alive somewhere on the earth right now. Maybe he’s on the same island where some people believe Elvis is hiding out! 3) Jesus actually physically rose from the dead, and then, as the book of Acts tells us, “he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight” (Acts 2:9).

Christians obviously choose option #3.

I’m not sure what happened to Jesus once he was out of the sight of the disciples. The book of Acts tells us he was taken “into heaven.” Where exactly is heaven? I’m not sure how to locate it physically. Up above the clouds is more of the Earth’s atmosphere, and continuing to follow in that direction will take you farther into an ever-expanding and seemingly endless universe. Is heaven outside the universe? Maybe. Heaven is wherever God is, and, since God is everywhere, I prefer to think of heaven as an unseen world all around us. When you think of heaven that way, the ascension of Jesus takes on a slightly different meaning, at least it does for me. What if the resurrected Jesus didn’t go away to some far away location but, instead, simply slipped out of sight to the unseen realm where God is? If that’s true then the physically embodied, yet unseen, Jesus of Nazareth is as close to you as anyone.

Tomorrow is Ascension Day. I encourage you to spend some time tomorrow reflecting on the resurrected and ascended Jesus. Maybe you can talk with a friend about it, and reflect on the fact that Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20). Do you feel his presence nearby? I assure you he is there.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: Not Safe, but Good

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

Last week during my study leave at Skaneateles Lake, I had the opportunity to retreat, pray, and read. I enjoyed watching the sunsets over the lake, kayaking, and hiking upstream to a 50-foot waterfall. I did a lot of reading and writing, mostly about the Psalms. I was surrounded by water and couldn’t help but think of some of the language used in the Psalms about water. Psalm 65:9 describes God: “You visit the earth and water it, you greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water; you provide the people with grain, for so you have prepared it.” Water is a source of nourishment and life. God gives us water as a way to care for and nurture us and the earth. It’s no wonder, then, that the psalmist imagines God as one who “leads me beside still waters” (Psalm 23:2). Water is a helpful image for contemplating the peace and tranquility that comes from knowing God. Yet, at the same time, the Psalms also describe God in relation to the immense power and strength of water. Psalm 89:9 describes God: “You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.” Water is also a helpful image for contemplating the might and power of God.

While at Skaneateles Lake, I felt as though I had encounters with both of these aspects of water. Watching the sun set over the stillness of the lake made me feel at peace. Hiking up through the waters of the stream to find a hard-to-reach waterfall made me feel nervous and uneasy at times, since the cascading waters made the steep and slippery terrain difficult to traverse. These two aspects of water, these two aspects of God, reminded me of a moment from C.S. Lewis’ children’s story The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. In the story, some children find themselves in a world of fantasy called Narnia. In Narnia, the Christ-figure is a lion named Aslan. As a talking beaver is leading the children to meet Aslan, they discover that Aslan is a lion. One the children responds to this news: "Ooh… I'd thought he was a man. Is he - quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion.” The beaver responded to her: “Safe?... Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good.”

That description of Aslan has always stuck with me: not safe, but good. Of course, C.S. Lewis always wants us to understand Jesus in that same way: not safe, but good. What does that mean? God is big and powerful enough to be quite dangerous. That’s the result of being omnipotent. To be all-powerful is to be capable of being very unsafe, especially to someone who is less powerful. Yet, because God is also perfectly good, God would never use power to harm us. God uses the immense power God possesses to help, benefit, and love us. I often contemplate these aspects of God together, and I find great comfort in it. I found great comfort in it as I contemplated it last week beside the calm and raging waters. I hope you find great comfort it in today. May you discover God’s great power… to love.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: Prayer

Hi First Presbyterian,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! In the Wednesday night Bible study, we’ve been reading and talking about the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. I wanted to share some thoughts with you that we’ve discussed in Bible study. In the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, one of the questions that the Pew Research Center asked respondents was: Outside of attending religious services, do you pray several times a day, once a day, a few times a week, once a week, a few times a month, seldom, or never? Of the respondents who identified as Protestant, 54% said they prayed at least daily, 23% said they prayed weekly, 7% said they prayed monthly, and 15% said they seldom or never prayed. (You can see those results here.) I have often sat with this data and pondered how to interpret it. However, I cannot help feeling a little discouraged that only 54% of Protestants say they pray daily and 15% say they seldom or never pray.

Think about someone in your life that you love dearly. It could be anyone – a spouse or significant other, another relative, or a friend. I assume you talk to that person every day, or, if you don’t talk to them on a certain day, you are aware of that fact and you miss talking to them. If this dearly loved one I’m asking you to think about is no longer living, I’m sure there isn’t a day that goes by that you wish you could talk with them. We long to be with the people with whom we have our most important relationships. It should be no different in our relationship to God.

The point of our salvation is to be reconciled to one another and to God. Being reconciled to God means we are able to have a relationship with God. You can be with God, talk to God, and listen for God. Prayer is the lifeblood of our relationship to God. When Jesus is approached by his disciples with the request: “Teach us to pray,” his response begins with, “When you pray…” (Luke 11:1-2). He didn’t say, “If you pray….” He said “when,” because he assumed that prayer would be a regular rhythm of our faith practice.

If we claim to love someone, yet rarely spend any time with them, rarely talk to them, and rarely listen to them, I think onlookers would be scratching their heads, wondering if our love is true or not. It is through prayer that we learn what God’s voice sounds like. It is through prayer that we are able to share our joy and grief with God. It is through prayer that we receive comfort and strength from the Holy Spirit. It is through prayer that our status as God’s beloved children is confirmed to us. It is through prayer that we discern God’s calling to send us out into the world.

I wish 100% of Protestants said they prayed at least daily. But here’s some good news: increasing the frequency and faithfulness of our communication with God can happen at any moment. As far as I can see, now is as good a time as any. Do you have 5 minutes to tell God what’s in your heart or to stop and listen for that still, small voice? I promise the Lord will be waiting to greet you with love.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: Snow in April

Hi First Presbyterian,

I’m staring out my window as the snow is falling today. I’m sure many of you are shrugging your shoulders and saying to yourselves, “This is what springtime in Rochester is like.” For me, I can’t help but recall a line I read as a child from C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, where one of the characters describes an evil spell placed on the land of Narnia that makes it “always winter but never Christmas.”

Here we are in the middle of Spring, and it’s snowing. The scene outside my window looks a lot like when it was Winter. The image of the snow falling is trying to trick my brain into thinking it’s actually Winter, instead of Spring. The rational part of my brain knows that it’s April 21 and that it’ll feel like Spring again in just a few days. But another part of my brain is thinking it’s Winter, which is probably why I’m craving a cup of hot chocolate right now!

Stress in life can feel like that sometimes. We could be in a very good season in life, in good health, in good relationships with those we love, and finding fulfillment in our work or hobbies. Then along comes some external stress or other disruption and our brain immediately forgets about all of the good things happening and amplifies the bad thing. Even if it’s not true, all we can hear inside our heads is the voice shouting, “Everything is falling apart!”

In my own life, I’m trying to learn this lesson, and one thing I find helpful is gratitude. If I consciously bring to mind all the good things happening to me, then it starts to put the stress of life into perspective until it doesn’t seem so big. Sometimes I even write down on a piece of paper all the things happening, whether good or bad, so that I can see a total picture of my life. Then I give thanks to God for all that is good in my life.

One of my favorite passages of scripture is Philippians 4:8: “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Whether you’re experiencing stress or anxiety in your life today or just noticing the snow falling outside, take a deep breath and remember: it is still Spring, and soon you’ll know that that’s true. Until then, remind yourself that those beautiful daffodils are still blossoming under all that snow. The same is true of life.

Peace be with you,

Pastor Neff