Showing the Seven Marks of a Vital CongregatioN
Mark 1: Lifelong Discipleship Formation: Living into and growing our faith, each day and every day.
Weekly bible studies – diverse topics with excellent leading of exploration and discussion, open to all, on four different days of the week
In-person and Online Vital Congregation Initiative small groups discussions
In-Person and Online Christian Ed
Weekly prayer group meetings over Zoom
·Lenten Study (7 Marks of VCI)
Mark 2: Intentional Authentic Evangelism: Sharing the Good News by merging God’s story with our story in our relationships with those in our lives.
Collaborative program on anti-racism
Practicing by sharing our faith with one another (FaithShare, small groups, Lenten Study)
Mark 3: Outward Incarnational Focus: Answering Christ’s command to go out into the world sharing the Good News by answering the call to serve and be in mission.
The Outreach Team, Youth and Committees commited to annual giving and volunteer work for over 20 Organizations. For example:
Kenya dental and human services mission trip
Habitat for Humanity- labor assistance on two houses in City of Rochester
RAIHN (emergency housing) – additional financial assistance
Pittsford Food Cupboard – enhanced collection and modes of distribution
Cameron Community Ministries and St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center– three community drive-through collections of food, hygiene and school supplies; additional financial assistance; at-home volunteering, prepping warm meals
Mark 4: Empower Servant Leadership: Helping everyone in our church community to identify and use their spiritual gifts in serving the Lord, both in the church and the larger world.
Collaborative leadership in establishing new policies, worship and re-opening
New senior and associate pastors selected and in place during pandemic
Vital Congregations Team formation and program of presentations, gatherings and cohort with eight regional churches and national organization
Mark 5: Spirit Inspired Worship: Worship that consistently and caringly calls us into a deeper relationship with God and with one another.
Enhanced online streaming
Creative music presentations
Outdoor and in-person
Mark 6: Caring Relationships: Seeing people as Christ sees them by meeting ALL people where they are and desiring their well-being within the household of God.
Reach-out to house-bound and virtually-disconnected
Enhanced prayer and email connections
Pastor’s Facebook lunch chat and questions
Afternoon zoom social hour
Youth zoom and in-person gathering
Mark 7: Ecclesial Health: Through prayerful discernment, are we who God is calling us to be and are we who we say we are --- could we be more fully committed to God’s calling?
Participation on Presbytery of Genesee Valley Committee on Ministry and Mission Linkages Working Group
Discernment and adjustment of resources and committees