MID-WEEK MEET-UP: Third Advent Puzzle
Hi First Presbyterian Church,
Advent marches on, and we’re getting ever-closer to Christmas. Did you realize that Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year? That means December 24th is both the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve. Since we will be having our normal Christmas Eve services in the afternoon and evening (4:30, 8:00, and 10:30), there will only be one morning service that day. To give our staff a break between the morning and the later services, the only morning service on December 24 will be at 8:30am. That service will still be live-streamed, and there will be Sunday School.
Advent and Christmas Eve are such different services with such different themes, that I hope you will attend the morning service and one of the later services!
On a separate topic, this Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent, which means it’s time for our third word puzzle! Well done to all of you who solved the first week’s (HARBINGER) and the second week’s (COMPASSIONATE SHEPHERD)! This week we have a letter-substitution puzzle. Here it is:
See if you can crack the code to reveal the theme of this Sunday’s sermon.
I hope to see you Sunday!
Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron