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Mid-Week Meet-Up: Mask News

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

At its meeting Tuesday night, the Session decided to make masks optional in the church building at all times except for Sundays for the 10:00 am worship service and Sunday School (except while actively eating and drinking).  This means that the masks-optional rule also now applies to activities that it didn’t apply to before, including youth group, confirmation, and LOGOS. The only time masks are required in the building are for 10:00 am worship and Sunday School. The Session is trying to consider everyone’s risk-tolerance in order to maximize the number of people who can attend church activities in-person.

Tuesday night, a long discussion was held on whether or not to also make masks optional for 10:00 am worship and Sunday School. The Session understands that health and government officials are no longer requiring masks indoors and is leaving it up to local organizations and individuals to make their own decisions about masking. However, the Session also understands that people make their decisions to attend or not attend worship/Sunday School for a variety of reasons. As a result, your Elders are divided about what to do for worship and Sunday School without some input from you.

Here is a simple 2-question survey for you to fill out to help us understand your feelings about masks and 10:00 am worship/Sunday School attendance. Your response to the survey is to help the Session understand your feelings and should not be understood as a referendum vote. If one person from a household responds, that response will be assumed to apply to the whole household. If there are different feelings represented in a household, please respond separately. Click the following link and kindly respond to the survey by March 23 to ensure your response is included the policy development.

As I reflect on this situation and about leading a community of faith through this situation, one thing is very clear to me: churches make decisions differently than the world makes decisions. Jesus teaches us to use what freedom we have to love and serve one another. Your responses to the survey will help the Session to decide how best to love and serve one another in this situation. I appreciate your participation.

Peace to you,

Pastor Aaron