Mid-Week Meet-Up
Hi First Presbyterian,
It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! I wanted to use this opportunity to remind you of two very important events coming up. First, do you remember the US Congregational Vitality Survey you completed in October? Many of you filled it out during our October 10th worship service. Others of you filled it out online the week after that worship service. Well, this Sunday, Craig Kunkle and I will be leading a workshop to discuss and unpack the results of the survey at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall after worship. How did we measure up against the “7 Marks of Congregational Vitality?” How vital does our congregation think it is? If you want to know the answers to those questions, then join us Sunday at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. For those who aren’t able to come in-person, we’re working on a way to record the workshop.
Second, you should all be aware at this point that, at the annual meeting this month, church members will be voting on a nomination from the Session to make Rev. Erin Jacobson the permanent Associate Pastor of the congregation. However, don’t let the excitement of that opportunity cause you to forget that on Saturday, February 26th, from 3-4pm, Pastor Erin will be the focus of a town hall meeting at the church! At this town hall meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask her questions about herself and her ministry. The purpose of the town hall meeting is to help you prepare for voting on calling her as Associate Pastor by giving you a chance to get to know her a little better (in case you feel like you don’t.) If you have questions you’d like to ask her, please submit them by February 23rd to the church office at connect@pittsfordpres.org. The town hall meeting will be in-person and livestreamed. (Access the livestream just like you access our Sunday worship livestream).
Hooray for all that God is doing!
Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron