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Mid-Week Meet-Up: COVID Update and New Members Class

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

I want to share an important update with you about a recent action taken by the Session regarding our church’s COVID-safety protocols.

Recently, as concerns regarding the Delta variant have increased, many people from our congregation have expressed worry about attending in-person worship services. Specifically, there are many members who have stopped worshiping with us in-person because they do not feel safe inside where people may not be wearing masks. There are some of you who are also frustrated by the idea of being required to wear a mask to worship. In an effort to achieve balance and maintain unity within the congregation, the Session has decided to require masking for one of our two worship services.

Beginning this Sunday, masks will be required for everyone at the 10:00 am worship service. Our previous protocols will remain in place for the 8:30 am service: masks are recommended for everyone and required for anyone unvaccinated who cannot maintain social distancing.

In choosing which service at which to require masking, the Session decided on the 10:00 am service, because that service has children in attendance who cannot be vaccinated, some of whose families were among those expressing worry.

The Session felt it was important to try to consider everyone’s risk tolerance, while also trying to maintain unity. I am grateful for the work that they put into making this decision (and the work the Re-Opening Task Force put into bringing the recommendation to the Session). I hope you are, too.

On an unrelated topic, I want to remind you that I will be leading a 3-week membership class starting this Sunday. The class is required for anyone who wants to become a member of the congregation. However, anyone who just wants to learn more about the current vision of the church is welcome to attend the class, too. We will meet at 11:30am in Room 201 (upstairs in our education wing). The class will also have a Zoom option. The topic this Sunday is “What does it mean to be a Presbyterian?” Please let me know if you’re interested in attending and haven't already done so!

I look forward to worshiping with you whether online, at 8:30, or at 10:00, and I hope to see some of you at 11:30 for the class!

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff