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Mid-Week Meet-Up: COVID Update (from June 23)

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up, and today I’d like to share an update from the Session about re-opening. Following the state’s action lifting its mandatory COVID-19 safety guidelines last week, the Session approved the following recommendations from the Re-opening Task Force.

As it relates to worship:

We will be returning to normal worship practices, subject to the following:

  • Unvaccinated congregants are encouraged to maintain social distance and sit socially distanced from others, allowing six feet of space between themselves and others if they wish to remove their mask. If they do not maintain that distance, they must wear masks until and unless this requirement is removed by applicable governmental agencies.

  • Celebrating Communion and taking the offering will return to our normal practice.

As it relates to church groups and outside groups:

Groups gathering in the church building are no longer limited in number, subject to the following requirements:

  • Unvaccinated people are encouraged to maintain social distance and sit socially distanced from others, allowing six feet of space between themselves and others if they wish to remove their mask. If they do not maintain that distance, they must wear masks until and unless this requirement is removed by applicable governmental agencies.

Of course, we should all continue being respectful and welcoming to everyone who wears a mask, either by choice or in compliance with the state. May we all follow Christ’s example of self-sacrificial love for one another.

I know that this news will come as a great relief and with great joy for many of you. I also know that many of you will be disappointed about the lifting of these safety guidelines, because you are immunocompromised or unable to receive the vaccine. The church remains committed to a hybrid approach to gatherings. Worship will continue to be livestreamed, and church meetings will have a videoconferencing option for people who are not present in-person. Speaking personally, my Wednesday night Bible study has been meeting for the past few weeks with half of the participants in-person and the other half on Zoom. It’s been really fun and seems to be working well. Let’s continue to move forward as one church, with one purpose, and with one Lord and Savior!

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff