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Mid-Week Meet-Up: Re-opening Update

Hi First Presbyterian,

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! After a week of rapidly changing plans, I was delighted by the quick turn-around that resulted in three lovely services on Easter morning that went off without a hitch (with the exception of some glitches on the live-stream that the Livestream Task Force is aware of and working on). I hope you were filled with hope and joy because Jesus is alive!

I’m sure, after celebrating Easter in-person, many of you are wondering: what’s next? I wanted to take the opportunity in this week’s Mid-Week Meet-Up to let you know. The Session’s decision to have Easter services outside came as the result of an urgent motion from the Re-opening Task Force. Having an outdoor service fell within the guidelines that the Session had previously set. The Re-opening Task Force will be presenting a motion to the Session at their regular meeting next week to adopt a new set of guidelines for in-person worship. If adopted, these new guidelines would lead to more in-person services with some loosened restrictions, in addition to our continued live-streamed service. This Sunday (which has rain in the forecast) will involve only a live-streamed service at 10:00 am. You can expect an update next week after the Session meeting about the status of re-opening our sanctuary for worship.

This morning I read Song of Songs 6:10: “Who is this that looks forth like the dawn, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army with banners?” This book of the Bible has long been interpreted by Christians as a metaphor for Christ and his beloved church. May you feel the warmth of the sun shining on you today. May you also feel yourself transformed, alive, and radiant, because of the glory that Christ’s resurrection shines on you.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff