Mid-Week Meet-Up: Book of Ruth
Hi First Presbyterian,
It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! The Wednesday Evening Bible Study group is in the middle of studying some of the women of the Bible and how God is revealed through their stories. We finished up the Book of Esther last week, and tonight we begin the Book of Ruth (you’re welcome to join us!).
As I’ve been thinking about the Book of Ruth, I cannot help but see the similarities between it and the Book of Esther. Specifically, there is an apparent “happenstance” or “random” nature to their stories. That is most clearly expressed in Esther through the words of Mordecai: “Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). And in Ruth, we read: “As it happened, Ruth came to the part of the field belonging to Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelech” (Ruth 2:3). Of course, both of these books of the Bible encourage us to see some instances of “happenstance” as the providential hand of God fulfilling God’s purposes in the world. For Ruth, her “random” encounter with Boaz led to their marriage, to their having a child, to that child becoming the grandfather of King David, and to King David becoming the recipient of God’s promise to send us Jesus. Wow! What are some ways that the seemingly randomness of life these days are actually God’s purposes being worked out in your life? I hope to explore that in our study of the Book of Ruth.
In other news, I wanted to pass along some news from the Visiting Team, who is hosting a weekly social event on Thursdays at 4 pm over Zoom. It’s called “Pour at Four.” This is an opportunity for you to socialize with some of your church friends. The Visiting Team says: 4 pm is “early enough for afternoon tea, and yet late enough for a glass of wine!” Bring your beverage and catch up with your friends, starting October 29th at 4 pm. Here is the meeting information:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85155574738
Meeting ID: 851 5557 4738
Peace to you,
Pastor Neff